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Secure locations of dry boxes,
see list of adresses
Our mission is to be a strong ally in the fight for end the devastating effects of Multiple Sclerosis. By being a donating center we help in the raise of fund for multiple help centers
We also contribute in the employment of people with dissabilities which improves the economy, community and individuals lives
Since september 1998
Friends of MS Charities has been a point of collection for clothing and house hold items donations.
We have donated more than $1,800,000 to the National Multiple Sclerosis Center and help in the equipment of the University of UTAH Multiple Sclerosis treatment center where we have given a total of $120, 000 in support.
We are part of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society Circle of Distinction since 2013
Recipients of the Mission Possible award from the UTAH Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis
Recipients from an award by the National Multiple Sclerosis Circle of Distinction
Support provided
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